This is a blog for my traditional quilts. I have way too much stash and want to bust some this year.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Animals and quilts

What is it about animals and quilts. Our cat Maggie is always bothering me while I try to sew, loves to be around the fabric. This picture was just too cute not to post.  Caption: "What? My mom made this just for me"


  1. Came along to see your FSNI project - to discover another BCer! Always glad to find fellow quilters here in my home province. I'm following now and will be watching for your project!

  2. How true! That is a beautiful quilt - fit for queen cat!
    In response to your comment on my blog. Texture magic is like an interfacing. You sew through your fabric and the t.m. Then you steam it from the back and the t.m. shrinks ... thus causing the fabric to buckle and shrink up.
